Mormon Jesus
Mormon Jesus
Mormon JesusLong long (Mormon Jesus) long long
Long ago a spirit child on one of these planets was conceived
though an unidentified god and his goddess wife named Elohim
Elohim was conceived
This spirit child was later born to human parents near a mysterious star called Mormon Jesus
Mormons believe in Mormon Jesus
Through obedience to Mormon Jesus
He was to elevated to godhood as Mormon Jesus
Mormon teaching and death and resurrection (Mormon Jesus)Endless sex, all right
The god of Mormonism and his wives
produced a billion sons,
Lucifer, the Devil and a billion tons of children, his sons
For the Mormon beat called the great heavenly being, meeting
To decide their destiny and to have sex with Elohim's eldest son, Lucifer and his brother Mormon JesusElohim's son Mormon Jesus
Approve the proposal of the Mormon Jesus
Savior of the planet Earth would be Mormon JesusEarly Mormon prophets (Mormon Jesus) taught that Elohim and one of his wives came to Adam to start to ride in him, who had sex with the virgin in order to provide Mormon Jesus with the Indians, Mary, Margaret and Mary Magdalene, (with) these wives at least three wives produced at least a billion Israelites.
The Jesus of Mormonism, Mormon Jesus
Mormon Jesus
Joseph SmithMormon time!
You Can't Touch Mormon Jesus
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