The New York Times' No-Knead Bread

Submitted by gil on

One of my noble goals for dutch oven productions is a loaf of fluffy, tasty bread. I plan on eating it warm with butter. This New York Times article was highly recommended by both the Intertubes and family. My results were not very successful.

After about 20 hours of sitting there was not much raising of the dough. At this point I sorta knew it was a failure, however I baked it anyway. I didn't mix the (dry) yeast together very well with the flour and I certainly didn't mix it directly into warm water. I think either would have caused a slightly puffier crumb. Also, while reading up on the internet I read about the importance of transferring relatively undisturbed dough into the pot in order to preserve the internal gas. Apparently punching down too much can be a bad thing.

I forget the coal count I used. The bread came out cooked and a very slightly tough but still pale crust. It would probably have served to put more coals on top and cook covered for 30 minutes. I ran with 15 minutes covered 30 minutes uncovered. The taste was moist and salty but still had the underpinnings of the wonderful French bread taste. I shall continue stabbing at this challenge until I have a satisfactory loaf of bread.

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