11/30/14 Gil's LotD: The colors of chemistry
http://jiahao.github.io/julia-blog/2014/06/09/the-colors-of-chemistry.html A step-by-step tour on how to derive the visible spectra from absorption and emission spectra.
http://jiahao.github.io/julia-blog/2014/06/09/the-colors-of-chemistry.html A step-by-step tour on how to derive the visible spectra from absorption and emission spectra.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahcolite The mineral of sodium bicarbonate is called Nahcolite. Get it?
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2134266654801392897# Videos of three alkali metals reacting in water (for those who have forgotten chemistry, they explode).
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3795273284666354708# From the video description: Every New Year's Eve, a group of friends gather to light a pickle. 120 volts of house current is passed through a pickle to create a dazzling show of light, sound, and smell.
Gil's LotD
http://www.wellington.org/nandor/chemwords/chemwords.htm Interesting words formed from chemical formulas.
http://www.madville.com/link.php?id=123683&t=23 How to recover a CRT monitor that has been damaged by magnets.
Gil's LotD
http://www.theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/Stories/011.2/index.html Sodium is an alkaline metal that reacts violently with water. Sounds like a challenge
Gil's LotD
http://www.popcornfork.com/ A fork designed for eating popcorn.
http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/sillymolecules/sillymols.htm Molecules with funny names.
Gil's LotD
http://www.photo.net/learn/technology/mflash/merl-non-photo.html New camera design that uses multiple flashes to find the edges of objects in the picture, very cool.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine Theobromine is the chemical that poisons dogs in chocolate.