3/14/12 Gil's LotD: Gongs Unlimited
http://www.gongs-unlimited.com/ The Internet's leading gong retailer.
http://www.gongs-unlimited.com/ The Internet's leading gong retailer.
http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie A list of reasonable criticisms of FTP.
http://www.areyou1in1000000.com/ Are you one in a million? Nobody's won in the 6 months or so I've had this bookmarked.
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=408327833919 Facebook on measuring Internet latency around the world.
http://html5zombo.com/ Zombocom has been reproduced with HTML 5 technologies.
http://isbarackobamamuslin.com/ Is Barack Obama muslin?
http://unicodesnowmanforyou.com/ The snowman in Unicode has his own webpage.
http://www.kibo.com/kibopost/happyweb/ Kibo on the next generation of the web.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishcam The world of broadcasting fish tanks.
http://play.typeracer.com/ Race other people in real time to find out your typing speed. I can pretty consistently get 80 wpm and peak at 100 wpm.