12/2/04 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://slate.msn.com/id/2109941/fr/rss A guide on stealing WiFi access.
Gil's LotD
http://slate.msn.com/id/2109941/fr/rss A guide on stealing WiFi access.
Gil's LotD
It's the first of December, and the last month where Mac user's clocks can be reset and the year will still match.
http://www.recorderrace.org/ A competition to build the fastest car out of a tape recorder motor.
Gil's link of the day
http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/terrestrialanimals/earthworms/index.html Earthworms are actually an invasive species in Minnesota, learn about efforts to contain the threat.
Gil's LotD
http://www.zurqui.com/crinfocus/paper/airplane.html The best paper airplane model in the world.
http://www.paperairplanes.co.uk/planes.html A bunch of different designs for some unique paper airplanes.
Paper airplane day!
Gil's LotD
http://www.vampyreverse.com/facts/mythology.shtml A list of movies with vampires in them.
Gil's LotD
Because the queue of links is getting too long, I'm going back to two links per day just like in the beginning!
http://www.flashgames247.com/game/flash-arcade-games/maple-story.html Play Maple Story, a unique platformer flash game.
http://humanetrophies.net/home_furnishings.php Buy faux fur trophies and rugs.
Gil's LotD
http://www.friendsofromancats.org/ The homepage for fans of Italian cats.
Gil's LotD
http://www.explodingdog.com/ Users submit short phrases and this guy draws a scene from the phrase.
Gil is back, and this link has nothing to do with dogs blowing up.
Gil's LotD
Gil is going out to New York on a school trip and will be back Sunday, so I'm just going to give you a bunch of links. Whether you consume them at once or once a day is your choice.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognates Cognates, a description.
My highscore at Squares is 17465. It's really fun :-)
Gil's LotD
http://www.e-gold.com/ These guys are apparently trying to put the internet on the gold standard. They've been around for a while too.