10/10/11 Gil's LotD: The Shrine of Apple
http://shrineofapple.com/ Every Apple product, ever.
http://shrineofapple.com/ Every Apple product, ever.
http://www.resexcellence.com/ The long-defunct Mac website ResExcellence has returned with its old content. Back in the day this site had all kinds of information about the workings of Macintosh systems and I personally learned quite a bit from it in grade school and junior high. It certainly set me on the path that led me to learning everything I know about software.
http://cafbit.com/entry/rapid_dhcp_or_how_do An investigation into how Apple systems get a DHCP lease so quickly.
http://www.panic.com/extras/audionstory/ The story of a has-been mp3 player for the Mac.
http://www.floodgap.com/software/tenfourfox/ Firefox 4.0 has abandoned the PPC platform but some volunteers have ported it back.
http://home.comcast.net/~mjmahon/AppleCrateII.html Someone's wired a bunch of Apple IIs together to get them to work together in parallel.
http://www.kreativekorp.com/software/fonts/urbanrenewal.shtml A free reproduction of the really old Mac bitmap fonts.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_typography The typefaces Apple Computer has used throughout its history.
http://code.google.com/p/gdipp/ gdipp reimplements the Windows text renderer to give it Mac-like anti-aliasing.
http://www.bluem.net/en/mac/pashua/ Pashua is a simple way to create native MacOS X GUIs for various languages.