5/10/12 Gil's LotD: Katawa Crash
http://gilslotd.com/files/katawa_crash_beta_8-36.swf Katawa Crash is the spiritual successor to Nanaca Crash. There's a wiki explaining all the combos. My high score is unbeatable.
http://gilslotd.com/files/katawa_crash_beta_8-36.swf Katawa Crash is the spiritual successor to Nanaca Crash. There's a wiki explaining all the combos. My high score is unbeatable.
http://www.gladwell.com/2010/2010_02_15_a_drinking.html Intoxicated behavior is largely influenced by culture.
http://twitter.com/Horse_ebooks @horse_ebooks is a Twitter account which posts random, out of context lines from ebooks about horses. This is a collection of some of the best posts, these are comics made from its tweets and this blog has short stories made from @horse_ebooks quotes.
http://www.holmea.demon.co.uk/GPS/Main.htm http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53mv/navsats/theory.html Two articles on creating a homemade GPS receiver.
http://visuallearningresearch.wiki.educ.msu.edu/file/view/Harp+%26+Mayer+(1998).pdf Seductive details (unrelated, interesting facts) don't help students remember.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-GRlWPWRfE The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUm8wtDQgTU The famous Twentieth Century Fox theme on a flute.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestorian_Stele The Nestorian Stele records the ancient history of Christianity in China. It was buried in 845.
http://mjg59.livejournal.com/136274.html A rant on the desire to create "lightweight" open source software replacements. I'm linking this in particular because "To a first approximation, when someone says "Lightweight" what they mean is 'I don't understand the problems that the alternative solves'." is an excellent quote and summary of the issue.