1/13/14 Gil's LotD: Smart toilet exploits
https://www.trustwave.com/spiderlabs/advisories/TWSL2013-020.txt Satis smart toilets have a hard coded password allowing anyone to flush and lift the lid remotely.
https://www.trustwave.com/spiderlabs/advisories/TWSL2013-020.txt Satis smart toilets have a hard coded password allowing anyone to flush and lift the lid remotely.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOwMW6agpTI#t=6m50s A lecture on reverse engineering Stuxnet, a very sophisticated virus. This video is very entertaining and informative.
http://blag.xkcd.com/2007/01/29/washingtons-farewell-address-translated-into-the-vernacular/ The URL says it: Washington's Farewell Address translated into the vernacular.
http://www.gellibaff.co.uk/ Powder to turn your bathtub into slime!
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=confidential+%22do+not+distribute%22&btnG=Search Whoops, don't publish your confidential documents online where Google can see them.
http://www.datenform.de/dusteng.html An art project where the boxes from Counter-Strike were made into real life boxes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goochland_County,_Virginia Goochland County, Virginia.
http://inventgeek.com/Projects/alpharad/overview.aspx How to make a random number generator using a radioactive source (which decays randomly).
http://www.threadless.com/product/515/Fig_02 Go Scoutcraft!
http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2006/08/71548 Exploits and the BlackBerry!
http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/exploit-prevention-labs/browser-exploits-to-be-released-in-july-10307 A story about a blog that plans to release a new exploit in Internet Explorer every day for the rest of July.
http://www.metropolismag.com/story/20060619/behind-the-glass-curtain A look at Google's new office building.
http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2006/02/check_washing.html A guide to using the best inks that are resistant to check washing.
http://www.delosis.com/listening/home.html A test to judge your listening skills.
http://www.teagames.com/games/blueprint/play.php The Blueprint Game requires you to use the given objects to send a ball from start to finish.
http://www2.rasterwerks.com/game/phosphor/beta2.asp This is a very amazing Shockwave game which is a first person 3D shooter that runs entirely in Shockwave in your browser. This game is a beta, and is designed to be played against other people (I won't show you how to set that up). If the software says it needs to install something for this video, it's probably a good idea to go along with it. Mac people need to go into the video settings in the preferences and change the graphics mode to OpenGL from DirectX.
Gil's LotD
http://www.awolusa.com/ The AWOL is a device that lets you get drunk without drinking by using an alcohol vaporizer.
http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996240 Wallpaper has been invented that blocks wireless internet signals.