4/4/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://www.tmia.com/photos/index.html Pictures of mutations from Three Mile Island
http://acp.eugraph.com/cephal/ How cephalopods communicate
4/3/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://www.livejournal.com/users/zestyping/97476.html Learn to defy gravity, or a least fake it
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7194 Be sure to see the videos.
4/2/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/pics/origami/penultimate/rhombicosidodecahedron.html It's a rhombicosidodecahedron, a shape with 20 triangular faces, 12 pentagonal faces and 30 square faces
http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=22019 Whoops, too late, no money for you. An expired offer to settle with Creative Labs
Kalendae Aprile Magni Richardi copula diis
Magni Richardi copula Diis
http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/institutions_connected/latinitas/documents/rc_latinitas_20040601_lexicon_it.html Italia est, abuintur http://babelfish.altavista.com/
3/31/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
Peep day!
I think Peeps are a delightful candy, and the pictures in the last one are great.
3/30/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://solardeathray.com/index.html The Solar Death Ray- for when you need to get those pesky Roman warships out of your harbor
3/29/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://appliedsilliness.com/voices.html A voice over guy gives a few free samples
3/28/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
http://www.bathroomgraffiti.com/article.php?rubrique=5&article=155&pos=1 the personal favorite handgun of LotD
http://www.canine-cookie.com/bagged.htm Gourmet dog treats
3/27/05 Gil's LotD
Gil's LotD
Happy Easter!
http://www.cuyamaca.net/bruce.thompson/Fallacies/fallacies_grid.asp A table of fallacies. Quite useful for would-be debaters
http://www.diabetesuffolk.com/Drugs/Exenatide.asp#_Toc55313336 A new treatment for Diabetes