11/20/11 Gil's LotD: SS Eastland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Eastland#The_Eastland_Disaster Sometimes you can have too many lifeboats.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Eastland#The_Eastland_Disaster Sometimes you can have too many lifeboats.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Irish_Arrangement The Double Irish Arrangement is a way for companies to avoid U.S. income tax on foreign income.
http://www.looksgood.de/log/2011/10/mapmap-vauxhall-mashup-mental-maps-and-openstreetmap/ This software allows users to draw a mental map of an area and squish the real map to their drawing. There's no demo available but there is code on GitHub.
http://nymag.com/print/?/news/features/harold-camping-2011-10/ How did Harold Camping handle the day after the end of the world?
http://www.gq.com/entertainment/movies-and-tv/201111/movie-set-that-ate-itself-dau-ilya-khrzhanovsky?printable=true¤tPage=all An investigation into a very strange movie set. I thought it was fiction but it's real.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGuXCuDb1U A neat little animation for a reading of the poem Storm by Tim Minchin.
http://www.holmea.demon.co.uk/GPS/Main.htm http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53mv/navsats/theory.html Two articles on creating a homemade GPS receiver.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Cu6zx1-bA CunninLynguists - The Distance. They're sampling Prophecies from Koyaanisqatsi.
http://www.lemis.com/grog/Documentation/Lions/index.php The famous Lions' Commentary on UNIX is available for free online. Wikipedia.
http://www.amazon.com/Music-Install-Windows-98-Various-artist/dp/B001CI3WQS One of the great albums of our time.
http://www.harpers.org/archive/2008/06/0082063 Witches have moved on from turning men into newts.
http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/ediblethinginajar All kinds of creepy-looking food!
http://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2011/01/17/managing_nerds.html This is an excellent definition of nerds and the way they operate.
http://visuallearningresearch.wiki.educ.msu.edu/file/view/Harp+%26+Mayer+(1998).pdf Seductive details (unrelated, interesting facts) don't help students remember.
http://propertiesfabrication.blogspot.com/2011/10/molding-and-casting-oh-my.html A step-by-step guide to casting disposable props quickly and cheaply.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-GRlWPWRfE The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
http://cs.nyu.edu/~fergus/research/deblur.html This paper is magic! It covers a method to remove motion blur from images.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feist_v._Rural Feist v. Rural established that copyrights require some creativity.
http://whoselineonline.org/ Watch the classic show Whose Line online for free!
http://www.wired.com/cars/coolwheels/magazine/15-11/ff_cannonballrun?currentPage=all Setting the record for the fastest trip across America takes a ridiculous amount of planning.
http://vimeo.com/29975179 A presentation on the history and development of undersea cables.
https://tasteofbourbon.com/Scripts/prodView.asp?idProduct=708 I want one so badly! I'm a huge fan of Bulleit.
http://www.texasmonthly.com/cms/printthis.php?file=feature4.php&issue=2011-10-01 An article on the trial of Warren Jeffs, the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
http://animesos.tumblr.com/post/11092575603 What a strange comparison.
http://mcosre.sourceforge.net/ The MacOS Re project attempted to build a booting system for old Macs from scratch. The project is now dead but there is source and documentation available on the website.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_News This seems to be a business idea a lot of people have but nobody can make work. Jon Stewart should get on it.