3/11/12 Gil's LotD: Time
http://time.is/ Find out the accuracy of your computer clock.
http://time.is/ Find out the accuracy of your computer clock.
http://byuu.org/articles/emulation/snes-coprocessors All of the coprocessors released with SNES games have been reverse engineered.
http://www.holmea.demon.co.uk/GPS/Main.htm http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53mv/navsats/theory.html Two articles on creating a homemade GPS receiver.
http://www.lemis.com/grog/Documentation/Lions/index.php The famous Lions' Commentary on UNIX is available for free online. Wikipedia.
http://vimeo.com/29975179 A presentation on the history and development of undersea cables.
http://mcosre.sourceforge.net/ The MacOS Re project attempted to build a booting system for old Macs from scratch. The project is now dead but there is source and documentation available on the website.
http://alvyray.com/pixar/default.htm Selected pages from the founding documents of Pixar.
http://bacon.wikia.com/wiki/Bacone The Bacone is a success story from the field of modern bacon research.
http://sjis.me/ (っ´ω`)っ Have this handy collection of SJIS emoticons!
http://www.deepdarc.com/2010/11/27/hacking-christmas-lights/ This guy reverse engineered these Christmas lights and published a guide on programming them. They're kinda expensive but otherwise a really nifty Christmas decoration.