10/15/11 Gil's LotD: Hardware terminals
http://jstn.cc/post/8692501831 A guide to configuring your hardware serial terminal with MacOS X's gettys.
http://jstn.cc/post/8692501831 A guide to configuring your hardware serial terminal with MacOS X's gettys.
https://github.com/facebook/fbconsole Post to Facebook from the command line!
http://mjg59.livejournal.com/136274.html A rant on the desire to create "lightweight" open source software replacements. I'm linking this in particular because "To a first approximation, when someone says "Lightweight" what they mean is 'I don't understand the problems that the alternative solves'." is an excellent quote and summary of the issue.
http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/linkara/hopr?start=10 Reviews and analysis of all the Power Rangers TV show seasons.
http://linuxzoo.net/ LinuxZoo offers a tiny virtual computer and a set of tutorials for learning Linux basics free of charge.
http://www.resexcellence.com/ The long-defunct Mac website ResExcellence has returned with its old content. Back in the day this site had all kinds of information about the workings of Macintosh systems and I personally learned quite a bit from it in grade school and junior high. It certainly set me on the path that led me to learning everything I know about software.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caVo6EJFV8s Berkeley researchers have designed robots and software capable of folding laundry.
http://innatthecrossroads.com/ Recipes from George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones fantasy series.
http://cafbit.com/entry/rapid_dhcp_or_how_do An investigation into how Apple systems get a DHCP lease so quickly.
http://www.inventables.com/ An online store to buy all kinds of cool little materials.