
6/10/06 Gil's LotD

Submitted by gil on

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4134446112378047444# This is Bill Gates talking about a demo of the next version of Windows, called Vista, only the screen has been replaced with MacOS X to show that the competition already has all of the features.
http://docs.lucidinteractive.ca/index.php/Cracking_WEP_and_WPA_Wireless_Networks A guide to cracking the passwords on WEP and WPA encrypted wireless networks.

4/12/05 Gil's LotD

Submitted by Byron on

Gil's LotD
Gil will be in Chicago for the next couple of days in the national Academic Decathalon tournament, so if you don't get LoTD for a day it should be back the next.
http://www.techfreakz.org/fishmon/ Putting fish behind your screen
http://kernelthread.com/software/ams2hid/ The Apple sudden motion sensor- it detects when your laptop has been dropped or thrown, and uses that to protect your data