6/30/11 Gil's LotD: Physics
http://nuclear.ucdavis.edu/~tgutierr/files/stmL1.html The Standard Model of physics written as a single Lagrangian.
http://nuclear.ucdavis.edu/~tgutierr/files/stmL1.html The Standard Model of physics written as a single Lagrangian.
http://watertowersofireland.com/ The varied water towers of Ireland.
http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/agamemnons-fortress-of-sand.html I read "The Lost Books of the Odyssey" mentioned in this article and it is very good. Here's the NYT's review.
http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl Cats that look like Hitler.
http://www.popsci.com/bacon Bacon can be used to cut steel.
http://i.imgur.com/DldfM.jpg Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in America.
http://people.umass.edu/klement/tlp/ Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus has been typeset in LaTeX.
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/print/1969/12/inside-the-secret-service/8390/ The Atlantic writes on what the Secret Service does to protect visiting heads of state.