4/21/11 Gil's LotD: Caterpillars
http://facultyweb.cortland.edu/fitzgerald/PineProcessionary.html These caterpillars line up end to end to search for food.
http://facultyweb.cortland.edu/fitzgerald/PineProcessionary.html These caterpillars line up end to end to search for food.
http://www.lesfigues.com/lfp/209/babyfucker "Babyfucker will change your idea of what literature can be and do"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_plot_twists Wikipedia has collected a list of the most notable spoilers in TV and film.
http://i.imgur.com/aG11g.jpg Use protection!
http://alexonsager.net/pokemon/ Mix and match Pokemon!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIVUgW0t0o Terrible baseball physics glitches.
http://www.gentlemansemporium.com/gentlemans.php Dress like a gentleman.
http://www.areyou1in1000000.com/ Are you one in a million? Nobody's won in the 6 months or so I've had this bookmarked.
http://www.its.umn.edu/GridlockBuster/game/index.html A video game where you control the lights for a traffic intersection. It's really hard.
http://tubedubber.com/#AC5o9ovFygc:mjGJPPRD3u0:0:100:0:0:true Lucky Star, Ronald McDonald and Republicans.
http://dutchovenmadness.blogspot.com/ This blog is the record of a woman who cooked a meal every day in a Dutch Oven for her family.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsJhfwbfMvU#t=3m41s This song becomes much more creepy when slowed down.
http://www.kacperhamilton.com/Kacper_Hamilton/Deadly_Glasses.html A wine glass for each of the seven deadly sins.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cursive Learn how Russian is written in cursive!
http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6995033/mongo-db-is-web-scale Shards are the secret ingredient in the web scale sauce.
http://code.google.com/p/gdipp/ gdipp reimplements the Windows text renderer to give it Mac-like anti-aliasing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDaNANPD50k Good music, bad politics, worse music video.
http://blog.wolfram.com/2010/08/13/25-best-hangman-words/ This post comes up with a method to find the hardest to guess hangman words and gives a list.
http://i.imgur.com/EyyJJ.png Autocorrect mistakes.
http://fratmusic.com/ Check out these tunes brah.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi4g_U0hoOg Behold the mini cannon!
http://endlessvideo.com/watch?v=oHrB7yEQlx8 I'm coming. I think I listened to this for 2 or 3 hours straight when I was first linked to it.
http://www.potatoroll.com/index.asp Martin's Famous Potato Rolls! These are delicious.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUiNTHCMCBA Two experienced Starcraft casters take a turn at Warcraft 3, a game which neither has played.
http://www.latoyaegwuekwe.com/geographyofarecession.html See how the unemployment rate across the country went up over the past few years.
http://cehs.unl.edu/tlte/readingcenter/ The Kit and Dick Schmoker Reading Center.